Those who want to add their candlelight vigil to any existing ones or start their own (for example, for the poor, defenseless whales, etc.), please send me an email message telling me what cause you want to support, attach a digital photo and add a message if you want. Contact me

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Testing Digital Candlelight

digital candle

digital candle

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Candlelight Vigil for abolition of Seditiou

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Candlelight Vigil for sick P Uthayakumar detained unfairly in Kamunting, Malaysia

According to Malaysiakini in a report by Athi Veerangan on 28 April 2008, detained HINDRAF (Hindu Rights Action Force) leader P Uthayakumar has taken ill again. According to his wife, S Indra Devi who visited him at the Kamunting Detention Centre in Taiping yesterday, Uthayakumar has been suffering from heart problems and severe skin allergy for the past few days an "his diabetic level is also high" (meaning I suppose, the blood sugar is very much above normal). This is bad news because high blood sugar level can cause a lot of medical problems. Let us have a candlelight vigil for his health and quick release from unfair detention without trial:

Candlelight vigil

Photo of candlelight vigil is property of Shi Zhao

An estimated 2,000 plus Hindraf supporters from all over Malaysia had assembled to call on the government to release all five detained HINDRAF as far as I can see from photos uploaded to Malaysiakini, the were all unarmed, and the Constitution of Malaysia says peaceful assemblies without arms are allowed. Look at the photo below for example:

unarmed HINDRAF supporters facing armed FRU

The rifles carried by some FRU (Federal Reserve Unit or Riot Squad) is not so obvious in the above photo, but look the photo below:

FRU with rifles against unarmed peaceful demonstrators

One rifle is highlighted by a red arrow pointing at it. Tell me, why anyone would need rifles against peaceful unarmed demonstrators, and that, demonstrators some of whom held up photos of Mahatma Gandhi, an advocate of peaceful resistance.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Candlelight vigil for Uthayakumar who is unjustly detained, denied of diabetic medication and forced to eat high starch food

HINDRAF organized a peaceful rally without arms to present a memorandum through the British High Commission in Kuala Lumpur to Queen Elizabeth to appoint a Queen Counsel to represent them in a court case to claim compensation to descendents of Indian indentured laborers imported from India by the British during the colonial era to work on the rubber estates of Malaya. According to HINDRAF, the United Kingdom is responsible for leaving these indentured laborers and their descendents behind when they abandoned Malaya and did not provide in the Constitution of then Malaya sufficient protection for the well being of those left behind and whom they claimed are now marginalized and suffering from poverty and lack of opportunities.

The Malaysian government placed all kinds of obstacles and issued all kinds of threats including an order to police to arrest on sight plus an unprecedented court order to ban the rally from taking place and to prevent anyone from attending. Despite these draconian measures, a huge number of Indians and some of other races did attend the rally. They were met with tear gases, chemical laced water cannon, baton charges, etc. Five of the organizers were arrested. Among them was Uthayakumar s/o Ponnusamy who is diabetic.

I have already read reports that his fiancée had complained that the diabetic medications she handed to the Kamunting Detention camp did not reach Uthayakumar. This is serious enough. Worst new now. It is now reported that he was forced to eat high starch food which is obviously bad for diabetic patients and is tantamount to torture and abuse of human rights.

The latest is that P. Uthayakumar has been hospitalized at the Taiping Hospital as his blood sugar level had rose to 3 times the normal level. He had not been given his diabetic medications for more than one month. If this continue, it is as good as murder. Let us try to save the good health, perhaps even the life of one who is unfairly detained without trail. Let us have a candlelight vigil for Uthayakumar that the detention camp administrators will be more humane, that he will be released from unfair detention as soon as possible.

candlelight vigil by Ellen

Photo of candlelight vigil is property of Ellen


Monday, March 3, 2008

Digital Candlelight for wisdom of voters in 2008 Malaysia election

Candlelight vigil for wisdom for votersPhoto used with permission of Aliran

Saturday 8 March 2008 is polling (election) day when we cast our vote for a new government. It is a crucial election that can set the direction in which Malaysia goes. How we fare, especially after our oil money runs out, will be dependent on a government which will not squander public money and set right any flawed policy. It is difficult to do so, but we have heard Haris Ibrahim says, "I like to think positively". He said he not only hope that voters will not only deny the BN (Barisan Nasional) which he says has systematically amended the Constitution, (the supreme law of the document, a sacred document in my own words) and in the process, taken away our right and Constitutional institutions. He said we should vote for Barisan Harapan Malaysia (Coalition of hope for Malaysians) (click BACK button to get back to this page)

Let us have a candlelight vigil for wisdom for voters to look beyond drains and potholes, things of short term, wouldn't last, and vote on the basis of crucial issues that will critically affect the future of our country, the well being of our future generation. Let us hold a candlelight vigil that they will not only think of what a Member of Parliament can bring to his community, that only have local and short term effects, but think in broader terms.

Let us have a candlelight vigil for wisdom for voters not to question the abilities of the ="opposition" candidates to rule the country. Malaysia still have lots of talent despite the ravaging brain drain. We need Member of Parliaments who will not just submit to the BN whip, to vote for anything from the Barisan, even if it is rubbish like the SCC (Special Complaints Commission, a highly watered down version of the promised IPCMC (Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission), and against anything from the "opposition" irrespective of merits. Contrast that with the statement from the Lau Weng San, former Parliamentary Secretary for YB Lim Kit Siang and now candidate for the Kampung Tunku state seat, "We (DAP) have voted with the Barisan before when we see that it was in the country's interest to do so."

For those with religious leanings, let us ask them to pray for wisdom for voters to vote wisely.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Candlelight vigil to spread cancer awareness

candlelight vigil to spread cancer awareness

Cancer is not a death sentence. Cancer can be cured if detected early, but in order for early detection, people have to be aware of the fact, and there are individuals, groups, NGO's (non-government organizations), government agencies, volunteer bodies, etc., that are working hard to spread cancer awareness. This is a candlelight vigil for those who are working hard to spread cancer awareness and an encouragement to them to continue with their efforts.

If you like to contribute to this cause or a different cause with a candlelight vigil, please sent me an email:

attach a digital photo of the candlelight vigil, write a message if you wish or just let me know what cause you wish to promote with your candlelight vigil, and I will do the rest.

Friday, February 8, 2008

A candlelight vigil for five-year-old W Vwaishhnnavi for her march to Malaysia Parliament on Feb 16, 2008

candlelight vigil for five-year-old W Vwaishhnnavi who issued a a challenge to Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) chairperson Abu Talib Othman.

This photo of a candlelight vigil held in front of a school is property of alka3en

W Vwaishhnnavi, who is only 5 year old and the daughter of Hindu Rights Action Force (Hindraf) chairperson P Waythamoorthy, will be leading about 100 (some says 200) flower-bearing children and their parents to the Malaysian Parliament House on Feb 16, 2008. She has written a simple letter to Abu Talib, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) of Malaysia (click on letter to enlarge and read).

letter to Abu Talib, Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) of Malaysia>
This photo of W Vwaishhnnavi's handwritten letter is property of Khairul Faizi bin Ahmad Kamil

In the letter, she said her father told her that Abu Talib has the power to educate and educate on Human Rights. She invited Abu Talib to follow her and her entourage to the Malaysia Parliament on February 16, 2008, so that she and the children will be safe. "Uncle, I invite you to follow me to Parliament on Feb 16, 2008. If you follow me, the children and I will be safe and the people of Malaysia will understand the meaning of human rights better.

Uncle, my father also said that under Section 4(2)(f) (of the Act) you have the power to follow me. So, please, uncle, come with me," she wrote. They hope to petition the Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to release the five Hindraf leaders who have been detained under the ISA (Internal Security Act) which allows for detaintion without trial.

I believe she was referred to Article 4(1) which says "This Constitution is the supreme law of the Federation and any law passed after Merdeka Day which is inconsistent with this Constitution shall, to the extent of the inconsistency, be void." I think what she is also referring to the law that requirement to get a police permit for an assembly of 5 person or more, which seem inconsistent to

Article 10(1)(a) every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression;
(b) all citizens have the right to assemble peaceably and without arms;
(c) all citizens have the right to form associations.

which seem to allow peaceful assembly without arms. However, past events have shown that the Police have almost consistently refused to issue any Police permits for many peaceful assemblies without arms.

I can't find Article 4(2) (f). Perhaps that may be an amendment to form Suhakam, I don't know, I am no Constitutional lawyer.

If you assemble or march without a police permit for any assembly of 5 persons minus a police permit, you are liable to be detained, arrested or charged either in court or just detained under the ISA (Internal Security Act) or get tear gassed and/or water-cannoned with chemical water by the the Riot Police, just as had happened in the HINDRAF march to hand over a petition to Queen Elizibeth to the British High Commission.

Did they apply or asked to apply for a police permit? I do not know. But I believe if Abu Talib accept the invitation and join W Vwaishhnnavi and her flower bearing entourage of children, they will not be tear gassed or water cannoned with chemical laced water. Will Abu Talib accept this simple invitation to keep the children safe? I hope so.

This is a digital candlelight vigil for W Vwaishhnnavi and her flower bearing entourage of children plus for courage for Abu Talib to accept her invitation to keep the children on February 16, 2008.